There has been no greater oppressor and no greater foe to the liberated black mind like the Organized Jew.
Organized Jewry is not only the Globe’s greatest menace, going on 3 Centuries, but this distinctly heavy-handed and uniquely surreptitious Tyrant that has been the most resilient and efficient foe Black America has ever faced.
Every time solitary black voices stand up to The Snake™, not only do they have to ward off the treacherous and treasonous attacks from the Colonized Colored, they also have face down The Judaic Cyclops and all its ruthless efficiency by themselves.
There is never an Organized Black defense to the attacks on of Organized Jewry on lone black revolutionaries. The Collective black voice becomes the undeserved privilege of athletes, entertainers, and yes-men, who use it as middle-management race pimps of the Jews.
Outside of the NOI, there is no functional and reputable Black group working for Black interests.
So here at JHB today, we’d like to spotlight a brilliant act from a Black civil rights leader, when it was difficult, who sacrificed and was made an example of by Organized Jewry.
Andrew Young, outstanding diplomat and statesman, colleague of MLK Jr.
1979 was a good year for the homie. He not only facilitated the way for Mugabe to come to power in Zimbabwe, he also met with the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) as a United States UN Ambassador sending Organized Jewry into apoplectic rage:
The same year Organized Jewry had officially declared it’s plans for 9/11/2001:
In a series of interviews in the last two weeks, Jews said they feared that statements by blacks critical of Jews might set off a wave of anti‐Semitism and make it harder for the United States to continue its support of Israel; black organizations said they had been threatened with the loss of contributions by some Jews who in the past have given heavily to civil rights causes; and President Carter, already in trouble with both groups in his bid for reelection, continued to draw blame from both sides for his policies and actions.
Think about that.
Black America could make it harder for the United States to continue its support of Israel
Meanwhile, here in 2018:
Black-Palestinian Unity is bubbling below the surface on the Left.
This frightens the Jew-Left.
That’s why it is normalizing faggot leaders among Blacks and Palestinians both.
Everyone knows,
You ain’t really oppressed unless you wear a dress.
We’re only a few deprogrammed former SJWs from a Black-Palestine Anti-Jew pogrom.
Mr. Young’s resignation Aug. 15, which followed the disclosure that he had misled the State Department about an unauthorized meeting he had had with the Palestine Liberation Organization’s observer at the United Nations, triggered the airing of long‐smoldering disagreements between the two groups. Black leaders, acting out of the belief that the White House had yielded to Jewish pressure to dismiss Mr. Young, used the occasion to declare their independence from their Jewish supporters on foreign policy, including the Palestinian issue.
Jewish leaders, denying that any major Jewish organization had sought Mr. Young’s dismissal, responded with a flurry of statements contending that their position had been misrepresented.
Rabbi Alexander M. Schindler of New York, president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, declared: “Black leaders have allowed themselves to be distracted from the stark reality that the Administration which let Andrew Young go has also failed blacks and Jews and all who believe in economic justice and compassion for the poor.”
Bush did 9/11, bitch. The 3 Jews of Loose Change said so.
We’re all in this together, Goyim.
Both sides express concern about the future financing of civil rights organizations and other black causes. In the past, even when blacks and Jews were at odds over affirmative action programs to increase employment and educational opportunities for minorities, a substantial part of the funds raised by such groups as the National Urban League and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People came from Jewish contributors.
Like shekels don’t ya Goyim?
“The Young affair has been a painful experience for many of us,” said Mr. Bookbinder, who has long been known in Washington as a moderate. “By far the most painful aspect of it is the potential for the emergence of rampant black antiSemitism because of some of the outrageous things that some blacks have been saying. Some of it is out‐and‐out antiSemitism.”
It hurts me to hurt you and hear you say that I hurt you, schvartze.
This man is still alive with a soft heart and a kind soul.
It’s very clear a lot has been lost qualitatively when comparing, in form and function, our Black Leaders of the past vs the compliant faggot Jew-puppet so-called black leaders of today like Obama and Deray McKesson.